I have a few lovely tree stamps and as boredom
took over on Thursday I decided to make 6 little
stampboard pieces to go together in my bathroom.
This is the first, so far that's all I've done lol but will
hopefully finish them all over the weekend.
Decided to use both pics as it looks so different in
in different light. The first was just natural light and
the second was taken under my daylight lamp.
and I've been given an award....

Thank you Ann for giving me this, you're the most
genuinly nice person I've ever had the pleasure of
knowing so I'm giving this straight back to you!! x
I'm also giving it to
Karen, Gillian Seona Audrey and Karin
Don't know what I'd do without any of you, you make
me laugh, keep me sane and most of all are always there.
Oh and your blogs aren't too bad either rofl! x