Thursday, 16 July 2009

For a challenge long ago..

Karin set us a challenge a while ago to make
a tag using a stamp we've not used before.
I only remembered this challenge when Kaz
blogged her tag pmsl (sorry Karin) so got to
work on making mine.
Background was made using acrylic paints
and dazzling metallics and both stamps are
ones I've not used before :o)
I'd say click on the image for a closer look but
it doesn't seem to want to work today lol


Kaz said...

it's not letting me click for a close up.....TUT the background looks fab moo, love it, and love the stamps too. you should use them!!! (says me...LOL)
and...... HA HA you were last....lmao xx

Carol Q said...

fab background Em. lovely tag - it might not allow you to click if you moved the picture around while you were creating the post.

Audrey said...

absolutely love the background Pemma - very gentleman like piece ;-)

Greensleeves said...

What a dashing fellow! Great background too, Em.

Karin said...

It absolutely fabulous Emma, thanks for taking part. pmsl @ you being last, at least you managed to stick top the deadline rofl
You need to get your crafting stuff out more often moo. :o)

joanne wardle said...

excellent! I love the background